Sunday, December 15th, 2019, 2PM
@ Victoria Hall Westmount, (Montreal)
4626 Sherbrooke Street West, H3Z 1G1 (at Lansdowne) call 514 989-5226 for information.
Tickets are free and will be available 4 weeks prior to the event on a first-come, first-served basis. Pick them up at Victoria Hall or Westmount library. Just a warning – last year we SOLD OUT early!
Come! Bring your friends! Enjoy some beautiful Christmas music in 4 languages – (also several Channukah songs). English, French, Hebrew, Spanish.

Once again, one of my guest artists will be pop-diva, Cherylyn Toca. Hockey fans will be familiar with Cherylyn, who is one of the national anthem singers at the Bell Centre. See her interview when she was a star contestant in Montreal’s La Voix 6!

I am excited also to be joined by classical singer, Colleen Bartley. She has sung many solo concerts in Canada. And she has become well known as the singer who performs the national anthem at Concordia’s convocations for the past eight years. Read more about her here.
Well known, Toronto-based pianist/arranger, Doug Balfour will be at the piano. Sage Reynolds will play exuberant acoustic bass for us!
This concert has become an annual tradition. Intimate, warm, fun. A blend of Christmas songs, several Jewish traditional songs, plus surprises.
Chat for a few minutes before the concert. We plan to have cookies, coffee and tea waiting for you. Then sit down and enjoy about 65-minutes of seasonal music – just enough to calm your quick-beating seasonal heart.

Doug Balfour (keyboard) & Sage Reynolds (acoustic bass)
BARBARA LEWIS (short bio) – Lewis performs powerful folk and pop songs that are both entertaining and highly emotional. She sings both nationally and internationally, with recent performances in Mexico and Ecuador. Known for her wide-range, classically-trained voice, vulnerable stage presence and elegant storytelling ability, she has been deemed by media “a hugely gifted singer, a born communicator.”