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"RARE THINGS" ideas:

    There are so many things in life that are rare: people, places, states of mind, events. A Blue Moon is one of them.

Listen! Once in a Blue Moon!

    A blue moon is the second full moon that sometimes happens in one month. They usually occur approximately every 2 1/2 years.

    We are compiling a list of the things that people feel are rare to them, things that happen 'once in a blue moon.' Here are a few ideas that were sent to us. Please add to our list by sending us an e-mail below.

People who really listen

Keeping weight off

Snow in Florida

A perfect New York summer's day

Aliens who have eaten at Lutece more than once

A true friend

Life on Mars

14 year old kids, who think they might be wrong

Feeling perfectly content about where you are right now

"....Nobody is without prejudice, but what is rare is the person who is willing or able to become aware of his/her prejudices and work through them to a higher level of understanding. Too many people seem to hang on to beliefs without ever taking time to think about them. " Sylvia, Montreal

"True love comes once in a blue moon"  Betty - Vancouver

After attending a tribute to a man who had recently died, one woman wrote this:   "He apparently lived life to the full and found joy in whatever situation he was in.  This man sounded like a rarity in himself but the one thing that struck me was the fact that he would often tell his people how much he loved his wife. I think that is a rare thing in this world today. " Ursula - Calgary, Alberta

It is rare to find someone you can really connect with. I have a new friend with whom I really do connect at many different levels. And I realize how precious it is to be understood and appreciated. So, I don't take it for granted. I am going to treasure the friendship. I haven't always seen it this way. I took friends more for granted in the past. But as you get older, it seems that deep friendship doesn't come along as frequently. I am going to enjoy this one, and be a true friend in return. - Jean, New York

Performing shadow theater outdoors under the light of a full blue moon! - Maria, California

Finding kindred spirits in CyberSpace that you were destined to meet in your life. -Dani, Middle America



Have any "rare things" you would like to share? Please send us your ideas and we will post them.

Thank you!


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Cutting Edge Productions
©2001 Cutting Edge Productions

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